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Fremington Parish Council

The Beechfield Centre, Beechfield Road, Fremington, Devon, EX31 3DD Tel: 01271 321063


Any documents listed below can be downloaded as pdf files. They are also available on application to the Parish Clerk. Information provided is correct at time of going to press but no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused due to the use of this information.

Policies and Procedures

Allotment Eviction and Appeals Policy and Procedure

Bee Keeping at Babbages Policy

Bench Policy For parish Council Land Excluding Fremington Cemetery

Bench Policy Fremington Cemetery

Code of Conduct

Community Engagement Policy

Complaints Procedure

Data Protection

Dignity at Work Policy

email internet and computer system use policy

Equal Opportunities Policy

Freedom of Information

Fremington Parish Council Local Authority Land

Health and safety Policy

Parish Plan

Policy for Pre-Planning Application Meetings with Developers

Protocol on Filming Council Meetings

Safeguarding Policy

Social Media Policy

Standing Orders May 2023

The Re Use of Public Sector Information

Unreasonably Persistent Policy


Accepted 2023 2024 Budgetary Proposals

Accepted 2024 2025 Budgetary Proposals

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023 - 2024

Expenditure over £500 2023-2024 Q1

Expenditure over £500 2023-2024 Q2

Expenditure over £500 2023-2024 Q3

Expenditure over £500 2023-2024 Q4

Financial Regulations May 2023

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 31 March 2023

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return

Annual Reports

Annual report 2016-2017

Annual report 2017- 2018

Annual Report 2018 2019

Annual Report 2020 2021

Annual Report 2021 2022

Annual Report 2022 2023

Last updated 26th July 2024