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Fremington Parish Council

The Beechfield Centre, Beechfield Road, Fremington, Devon, EX31 3DD Tel: 01271 321063

Climate Emergency

In July 2019, Fremington Parish Council declared a Climate Emergency and signed up to the Devon Climate Emergency Declaration. After which, the Parish Council formed a Climate Emergency Working Party (CEWP) to help investigate and consider ways in which the Council could tackle the Climate Emergency in it's Parish.   The CEWP produced an action plan for Fremington Parish Council and the parish of Fremington to reduce its carbon footprint with an aspiration to be carbon neutral by 2030.

The Parish Council is committed to the Climate Emergency which is now under the remit of the Environment and Community Committee.  The Committee has been investigating and implementing the action points contained within the plan wherever possible.

As part of its response to the Climate Emergency the Parish Council has planted over 100 trees, shrubs and native hedging which provide habitat and food for our local wildlife.  The Parish Council’s Maintenance and Amenities Operative has worked with a local school to rewild some of the urban grass verges as test areas to roll out the project to further areas within the parish.  We have also begun rewilding on some of our own managed open spaces.  

The Parish Council has investigated options for renewable energy on its buildings and assets, has looked to reduce plastic wherever possible throughout its functions, has replaced cleaning products, as far as reasonably possible, with eco friendly versions and recycles as much of its waste as possible. 

The Parish Council intends to take the Climate Emergency into account when making decisions and providing services to the community.  To support this commitment the Council’s vehicle is a hybrid, with an aspiration to be totally electric (if viable) in the future, we have green energy contracts, wherever viable, and ask our contractors to use environmentally friendly approaches to tasks wherever possible.

Climate Emergency Working Party Meetings

13/07/2021 Virtual Meeting Agenda Notes, attachment 1, Carbon Footprint Flyer

15/06/2021 Virtual Meeting Agenda Notes, PPF Draft Minutes , Draft Terms of Reference

11/05/2021 Virtual Meeting Agenda Notes, Draft Rewilding Procedures , Suggestions for Reducign Carbon Footprint

06/04/2021 Virtual Meeting Agenda Notes

02/03/2021 Virtual Meeting Agenda Notes

09/02/2021 Virtual Meeting Agenda Notes

01/12/2020 Virtual Meeting Agenda Notes, item 6 and 7 , Carbon Plan

13/10/2020 Virtual Meeting Agenda Notes

08/09/2020 Virtual Meeting Agenda Notes

21/07/2020 Virtual Meeting Agenda Notes

16/06/2020 Virtual Meeting Agenda Notes

Last updated 18th October 2024