Parish Councillors
There are fifteen Councillors serving the parish, which is divided into four wards. Bickington, Fremington and Yelland, Roundswell and Woodville. The Councillors stand for re-election every four years and no Parish Councillors currently claim allowances. They work on a voluntary basis. Fremington Parish Councillors can be contacted via the Parish Council Office
*District Councillors
Councillor Samuel Adams (Fremington and Yelland Ward)
Tel: 07930280489
General Notice of Registerable Interests
Councillor Jim Bell (Fremington and Yelland Ward)
Tel: 01271 860989
General Notice of Registerable Interests
*Councillor Frank Biederman (Fremington and Yelland Ward)
Tel: 07595 988704
General Notice of Registerable Interests
Councillor Jeff Bridgeman (Roundswell & Woodville Ward)
Tel: 07971648263
General Notice of Registerable Interests
*Councillor Joy Cann (Fremington and Bickington Ward)
Tel: 01271 345813
General Notice of Registerable Interests
*Councillor Neil Denton (Fremington and Yelland Ward)
Tel: 07739807614
General Notice of Registerable Interests
Councillor David Dixon (Fremington and Bickington Ward)
Tel: 01271 377532
General Notice of Registerable Interests
Councillor Dave Harris (Fremington and Yelland Ward)
Tel: 07866110810
General Notice of Registerable Interests
Councillor Sue Haywood (Fremington and Yelland Ward)
Tel: 07980549592
General Notice of Registerable Interests
Councillor Rhys Jones (Fremington and Bickington Ward)
Tel: 07786399536
General Notice of Registerable Interests
Councillor Sue Kingdom (Fremington and Bickington Ward)
Tel: 01271 326914
General Notice of Registerable Interests
Councillor Carol McCormack-Hole (Fremington and Bickington Ward)
Tel: 01271 343176
General Notice of Registerable Interests
Councillor Bill Sherborne (Anchorwood Ward)
Tel: 01271 344816
General Notice of Registerable Interests
Councillor Matt Thomas (Maple Ward)
Tel: 07548282741
General Notice of Registerable Interests
*Councillor Helen Walker (Fremington and Bickington Ward)
Tel: 07480702987
General Notice of Registerable Interests
County Councillor:
Cllr Frank Biederman
Representing Fremington Rural
Tel: 07595 988704
North Devon Councillors:
Cllr Frank Biederman - Fremington Ward
Cllr Neil Denton - Fremington Ward
Cllr Joy Cann - Bickington Ward
Cllr Helen Walker - Bickington Ward
Cllr Will Topps - Bickington Ward
Tree Wardens:
Fremington and Yelland: Councillor Jim Bell
Bickington and Roundswell: Councillor Rhys Jones
Snow Warden Co-ordinator:
Councillor Helen Walker