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Fremington Parish Council

Fremington Parish Councillors

There are fifteen Councillors serving the parish, which is divided into four wards. Bickington, Fremington and Yelland, Roundswell and Woodville. The Councillors stand for re-election every four years and no Parish Councillors currently claim allowances. They work on a voluntary basis. Fremington Parish Councillors can be contacted via the Parish Council Office

(*District Councillors)

Councillor Samuel Adams
(Fremington and Yelland Ward)
Tel: 07930280489
Notice of Registerable Interests

Councillor Jim Bell
(Fremington and Yelland Ward)
Tel: 01271 860989
Notice of Registerable Interests

*Councillor Frank Biederman
(Fremington and Yelland Ward)
Tel: 07595 988704
Notice of Registerable Interests

Councillor Jeff Bridgeman
(Roundswell & Woodville Ward)
Tel: 07971648263
Notice of Registerable Interests

*Councillor Joy Cann
(Fremington and Bickington Ward)
Tel: 01271 345813
Notice of Registerable Interests

*Councillor Neil Denton
(Fremington and Yelland Ward)
Tel: 07739807614
Notice of Registerable Interests

Councillor David Dixon
(Fremington and Bickington Ward)
Tel: 01271 377532
Notice of Registerable Interests

Councillor Dave Harris
(Fremington and Yelland Ward)
Tel: 07866110810
Notice of Registerable Interests

Councillor Sue Haywood
(Fremington and Yelland Ward)
Tel: 07980549592
Notice of Registerable Interests

Councillor Rhys Jones
(Fremington and Bickington Ward)
Tel: 07786399536
Notice of Registerable Interests

Councillor Sue Kingdom
(Fremington and Bickington Ward)
Tel: 01271 326914
Notice of Registerable Interests

Councillor Carol McCormack-Hole
(Fremington and Bickington Ward)
Tel: 01271 343176
Notice of Registerable Interests

Councillor Bill Sherborne
(Anchorwood Ward)
Tel: 01271 344816
Notice of Registerable Interests

Councillor Matt Thomas
(Maple Ward)
Tel: 07548282741
Notice of Registerable Interests

*Councillor Helen Walker
(Fremington and Bickington Ward)
Tel: 07480702987
Notice of Registerable Interests

County Councillor:

Cllr Frank Biederman
Representing Fremington Rural
Tel: 07595 988704

North Devon Councillors:

Cllr Frank Biederman - Fremington Ward

Cllr Neil Denton - Fremington Ward

Cllr Joy Cann - Bickington Ward

Cllr Helen Walker - Bickington Ward

Cllr Will Topps - Bickington Ward

Tree Wardens:

Fremington and Yelland:  Councillor Jim Bell
Bickington and Roundswell: Councillor Rhys Jones

Snow Warden Co-ordinator:

Councillor Helen Walker

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Fremington Parish Council, Local Council Award Scheme

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